
Posts Tagged ‘deliverance

You know who they are. They are the ones who lurk in the corners of your conversation and scoff at your dreams. You know the type that project their inability to make something happen onto you, and your vision. The modern day term for them is ‘haters’, back in the day they called them ‘naysayers’ , but you get the my drift.

These people are the dream killers, destiny thieves and glass half- emptiers of the world. ( yes, I made that up) It seems as though they were born for no other reason than to oppose your success and make idle talk of your innovation. I know you know the type, the ones that are always complaining about the doers who are busy doing while assaulting your ears, time and patience with a litany of  excuses for why they can’t do. Yet, everything you do in their eyes is wrong and doomed to a life of undeniable failure.

We hate to see them coming. We make full-on hard stops that careen into U-turns in the middle of office corridors to get away from them. We see their number dance onto our caller ID and its as if we hear an alarm ringing to warn us of the impending negativity on the other end of the line. Nope, not today–to voicemail you go Deb, because after all you’re a downer.

Trust and believe, I know your plight. I, too, loathe the pigpen cloud of negativity that follows this breed. However, I think they get a bad rap.

Yes, I said it. The Negative Nancy’s of the world get an extremely bad rap–you see, without them there’d be no negative with your positive. No yang to your yin.

As despicable as their demeanors can appear, their demeanor drives us. I don’t know about you, but the fastest way to watch me accomplish a task and then some is to doubt my ability to do it. Throw some shade my way and I am all over it and fast. Am I saying I need negativity before I’ll make a move, of course not.

What I am asserting is this, negativity presented to the right person is nothing more than much needed fuel to the fire. So to all the naysayers, doubters, heartbreakers and the like, this is for you….

Thank you for believing in my dreams and my visions enough to attempt to dismantle them with your negative energy. I must be on to something grand if all you can do is proclaim all the reasons why it cannot work. Thank you, naysayer, for expending the energy I would have used to try and talk myself out of making this huge leap of faith! Now I can use that energy to drive aggressively toward my goal, mainly because, I know I can and secondarily to prove you wrong.

Naysayer, I appreciate your attention to detail as you shared with the masses, all the ways that I could and would fail. It will make victory all the more sweeter when I come out on top. Thank you for whispering, gossiping, and nitpicking and while I wish for your own sakes, that you’d find another hobby–I’m glad you’re here.

You are far more important to the ascent of my career and my positioning for purpose than I could have ever realized. I am grateful for your inability to move past my past because every time you held it over my head, I was reminded that I no longer live there. Cheers to you, oh beautiful naysayer, for every time you attempted to intercept my purpose with some great fear of failure or apprehension of success, it simply made me see that I am on the path to something significant and life changing!

Thank you for being you and serving your purpose. Without you I’d never know what it is to pull a knife from my back and be healed and compelled to forgive the attempted butcher of my promise, because you know not what you do.

See, without you, I don’t think I’d have this strong of a prayer life. Some of your words, gestures and thoughts were so cruel they knocked me to my knees. Sure, that is exactly what you’d hoped to accomplish, but you had no idea that I’d be meeting Abba there. In in our meeting he dried my tears, gave me direction and lavished me with compassion, for you.

I truly thank you with my whole being, for shattering my dreams, annihilating my hopes and wasting the contents of my heart like cheap perfume, when I least expected it. It is because of you, that I learned how resilient I am and how much more effective love is when it comes from a heart that was broken and allowed itself to experience the process of being fully healed.

You blessed my life, more than I could have imagined. What you meant for evil, God meant it for my good. Thank you for letting the Lord use you.



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